Friday, August 26, 2005

Data Projector details

Here are some details on the data projector we have available to use, I have to test it out on monday to see how it projects on a wall/roof and wall/floor setting in unreal to see which is more immersive :).


Distance away from lens
30 cm away - blurred, unreadable, max focus 8' max 5' min
40 cm away - blurred, readable, max focus
50 cm away - good, readable, max focus 14' max 10'min
60 cm away - good, readable, almost max focus
70 cm away - good, reabable, less focus
100 cm away - still readable, about 23' at max, about 20' min
150 cm away - good, readablew, 40' at max, 25' min
max is about 500cm


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